Lilianna Story is a professional photographer with experience in both professional and freelance photography, with over 15 years of working experience with great variety. Lilianna studied photography at the University of Texas-San Antonio but was mostly inspired by her father who photographed professionally. Whether photographing presidents or poverty, her father showed her the beauty of capturing life through the lens. Since 2013, Lilianna has served as the exclusive photographer and creative director for The Scout Guide magazines in San Antonio and the Hill Country, covering over 9 cities. Lilianna also works as a freelance photographer, focusing on fine art, portraiture, travel, and commercial photography, primarily focusing on exhibiting fine art and journalistic photography in galleries and expositions. While most of her photography is based in the United States, Lilianna has photography experience expanding to Italy, France, Cuba, Mexico, the Caribbean, Greece, Switzerland, and Spain. Lilianna’s work has been published in The Scout Guide Magazine-San Antonio, The Scout Guide Magazine-Hill Country, Society Diaries, and Architectural Digest. Lilianna works and resides in San Antonio, Texas.


*Additional Sizes Available, 1/1. Please contact the gallery for additional sizes and pricing information.

El Rojo, Acrylic face mount on photographic paper - ¼ inch, 36 x 25 in. 

El Rojo, Acrylic face mount on photographic paper - ¼ inch, 36 x 25 in. 

These photographs are a collection of visual stories reflecting on the rich culture and traditions of a world suspended in time.


Russell Stephenson


Kathy Sosa