There are these moments in life, scenes, brief glimpses, chance encounters that have grabbed ahold of my soul and compelled me to create. Those moments where the light hits just right or angles come together just so and I am stopped in my tracks and held captivated. Those moments bring me to my easel again and again in an attempt to recreate whatever magic struck my soul so intensely. If you look for it, beauty and inspiration are everywhere: in the faces of the ones we love, in our dreams, in the delicate layers of a simple flower, and in everyday objects that we take for granted.

I am a self-taught artist who began painting as a hobby in 2009 at the encouragement of my supportive husband. Working mainly with oils, my works typically contain an element of nature and vary from portraits, to still lifes, to landscapes. As part of a military family, I have lived and traveled throughout the United States and the world. Each place has captured my imagination in unique ways. You will see the influence of the different places I have lived and traveled within my work.


Andrea Jacobson, Big Emotions, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 30 x 24 in. 2024


The Human Condition


Charlie Longoria