I paint the human figure primarily. I adopt a straightforward, essential approach to painting, using a few brushes, a very limited palette, and linseed oil as my medium. My concept is strictly aesthetic. I simply want the piece of art to be beautiful. I concern myself with basic elements that I think are critical to producing a good painting: composition, form, light, color, paint quality, and brushwork. Generally, I describe the figure more simply than complicated, preferring looseness and abstraction over highly detailed rendering. I work in a spontaneous way, not knowing ahead of time how I specifically will address all the important aspects of painting, or what the end result might be. I respond to what happens on the canvas with each decision that I make, reflecting moment by moment. This way, I stay present in the painting experience and receive the greatest enrichment from it.

When Andrew was in school, he had his work featured in UTSA’s annual exhibit. Andrew was featured in Arts & Eats here in San Antonio for a few consecutive years ('05 and '06). Both works were sold at auction. Andrew also submits paintings to Say Si's small works show every winter. Lastly, Andrew was a participant in Blue Star 21 in 2006, and one of four artists who took part in 72, a show that was put on in the former AnArte Gallery, just down the road, in November 2008.


Andrew Tschoepe, Walking to the Market, Oil on canvas, 8 x 10 in.

Andrew Tschoepe, Walking to the Market, Oil on canvas, 8 x 10 in.


Sunny Symonne-Diaz


Pamela Wilson